About the Course
Simulation Enabled Training Design
While simulation is a technology-based capability, it remains an inherently human endeavour. The challenge for the modern-day trainer, seeking to enhance their training efficacy through the use of simulation, is how to incorporate simulation systems and learning technologies appropriately, efficiently and cost-effectively. Sectors such as Defence, Fire and Emergency Services, Mining and Health have traditionally included simulation as part of a broader approach to the training and development of their people and capability. As technology advances, and introduction into service costs drop, the use of simulation to achieve high fidelity training outcomes will be more widespread than ever before. With the modern training paradigm rapidly changing, driven by the demands of increasingly complex operating environments, it is essential your people are appropriately equipped and trained to work effectively, efficiently and safely within those environments. Whether your training need is simple or complex, the principles behind simulation enabled training will help meet those challenges, and simulation enabled training design is where it starts.
Target Audience
The following audience will benefit from this course:
• Government personnel looking to implement simulation technology within their training continuum and/or capability
• Businesses looking to implement simulation technology to enhance their service delivery or workforce upskilling
• Consultants looking to deliver contemporary advice to clients
• STEM students looking to supplement current learning
• Educators and Technology enthusiasts looking to broaden their understanding
Course Overview
The Simulation Enabled Training Design course is designed to provide participants with a well-rounded, holistic and comprehensive understanding of fundamental simulation technology concepts, implementation considerations and training design methodologies. The intent of the course is to increase participants' exposure to simulation technology and provide them with a basic understanding around Simulation Capability Management and Simulation Training Design/Planning.
The course will be conducted over two days, facilitated by SME instructors with over 30 years collective simulation-based training design and delivery experience, in an engaging face-to-face environment. The course will include a mixture of theory and hands on practical experience using a basic simulation designed to improve leadership and teamwork. On completing the course, participants will have the key information needed to confidently progress simulation technology initiatives within their own organisation.
Two Days of Content
Day 1 – Simulation Enabled Training Design – 17th of November
• Module 1: Evolution of Simulation and Serious Games for Training
• Module 2: Simulation Training Design Fundamentals
• Module 3: Simulation Technology Ecosystem
• Module 4: Simulation Data Lifecycle and Management
Day 2 – Simulation Enabled Training Design – 18th of November
• Module 5: Simulation Workforce Requirements
• Module 6: Planning for Simulation Training
• Module 7: Practical Activity – Simulation to Support Teamwork and Leadership
Course Syllabus
Please contact us for a copy of the Course Syllabus
As this course is training simulation technology fundamentals, there are no prerequisites for this course.
Assessment and Certificate
There is no examination for this course.
Participants of both days will receive a Certificate of Attainment on completion of the course.
Course Materials
Participants will receive a course manual with presentations and reference materials.
Your Instructor
Jason Mildon